How It Works

The program takes the data from 2 o more sources and then process them to build a virtual updated folder.
A source is a folder to synchronize.  It can be a local o remote path (UNC).

To create the virtual updated folder, the program merges the sources, it compares their items and then it shows results.
There are just a couple of points to keep in mind about:

These comparisons will determine the newest candidate, i.e. the file that will be taken to update all other sources.

As you can see, the results are shown in a quite new way.  This is dued by the task that the program has to handle.  Comparing more than 2 folders excludes the common usage of the two file panels.
If you want to see the results details, you have to use the Source Results Viewer.

Once you issue a synchronization the program tries to apply the needed changes to clone the updated items into each sources.  These changes include the updated timestamp and file attributes.

Again if you need a more selective approach for one of your sources, you should alter its access rights.
Using them you can define if:

Finally you can go on to synchornize files only if you have 2 or more filled sources (see Icons).